Официальный дистрибьютор в Кыргызстане немецкой компании Ravensberger Schmierstoffvertrieb GmbH - производителя масел и смазок под торговой маркой "Ravenol".
Тел.: +996 555771513,
email: info@ravenol.kg

RAVENOL Nitro-Universal-Verdünnung

RAVENOL Nitro-Universal-Verdünnung  is a high quality universal thinner, a solvent mixture containing an effective formulation of solvents and has a wide range of uses.

Application Notes

RAVENOL Nitro-Universal-Verdünnung  is used for thinning cellulose and nitro-cellulose paints,  for use with chlorinated rubber, air-drying and oven-drying synthetic enamel, and air drying and baking cellulose lacquer. Removes paint and grease stains (avoid use on synthetic fibres), and is also ideal for cleaning sticky residues left by the removal of plastic and vinyl stickers.

RAVENOL Nitro-Universal-Verdünnung  can be added to most paints in unlimited quantities for thinning purposes, but should always be used in accordance with paint manufacturer's instructions.

Store in a cool but frost-free environment.

RAVENOL Nitro-Universal-Verdünnung  is a high quality universal thinner, a solvent mixture containing an effective formulation of solvents and has a wide range of uses.

Application Notes

RAVENOL Nitro-Universal-Verdünnung  is used for thinning cellulose and nitro-cellulose paints,  for use with chlorinated rubber, air-drying and oven-drying synthetic enamel, and air drying and baking cellulose lacquer. Removes paint and grease stains (avoid use on synthetic fibres), and is also ideal for cleaning sticky residues left by the removal of plastic and vinyl stickers.

RAVENOL Nitro-Universal-Verdünnung  can be added to most paints in unlimited quantities for thinning purposes, but should always be used in accordance with paint manufacturer's instructions.

Store in a cool but frost-free environment.

All indicated data are approximate values and are subject to the commercial fluctuations.

RAVENOL Nitro-Universal-Verdünnung

Артикул: 1360127

1 L | 1360127-001

5 L | 1360127-005

30 L | 1360127-030

60 L | 1360127-060

200 L | 1360127-200